Brace yourself it’s International Hug Day!

Ever walked down a street and thought ‘I need a hug today’? Well, January 21 is National Hugging day so hug away.

January 21 is National Hugging Day in the USA but this holiday has also become popular in other countries in recent years.

The idea of a National Hugging Day was invented by a man named Kevin Zaborney. He created this holiday to encourage others to hug everyone, no matter who they are: members of family, friends or strangers. 

Hugging has many health benefits according to recent studies. Researchers have concluded that hugging helps build a good immune system and decreases the risk of heart disease. It also helps lower blood pressure and triggers the release of healthy hormones. 

Just a hug or holding your partner’s hand for 10 minutes can reduce your stress levels and the harmful physical effects that come with it. Hugging your partner has proven to be the most effective form of hugging but this doesn’t mean that other types of hugs are not equally as beneficial. 

There is even a record awarded to Nick Vujicic who hugged 1,749 people at an expo centre in Oregon in 2010.

Everyone needs a good hug every now and then, especially children.

According to Emily Mudd, Ph.D., of Cleveland Clinic Children’s, when we hug our children, it actually helps them regulate their emotions, and helps their brains develop.

“We know that even from the moment we’re born, that touch, physical touch, attention, and hugs, are so very important for both nervous system regulation, and brain development,” she said. “From the moment we’re born – we talk about kangaroo care and the importance of skin-to-skin contact and that really continues through childhood.”

Dr. Mudd said research has shown that when we receive a hug, our brains release oxytocin – which is the ‘feel good’ brain chemical.

So, don't be shy and spread the love!