Female ejaculation contains urine

The phenomenon of female ejaculation is a relatively modern territory and, although this is changing, it is still novel as an object of study. Its nature has been subject to all kinds of speculation, above all due to its widespread dissemination in the market for pornographic content, which has led many to doubt whether it is even real. But is there a female ejaculation? Yes, it is not a myth and is known for sure since 2015, when a team of researchers of the hospital Parly II of Le Chesnay (France) deepened in this consequence of the female orgasm that so much confusion (and discussion) causes in relation to women.


For the research, the scientists conducted an experiment composed of seven women capable of squirting at will. This practice is often considered synonymous with female ejaculation, but some professionals prefer to make a distinction between the two. The clarification that is usually made is that female ejaculation is the expulsion of a small amount of whitish liquid similar to semen that is formed in Skene glands or urethral glands, while squirting is the ability of some women to, at the time of orgasm, expel an almost colorless liquid in greater quantity and with more pressure (hence the name) but which is mainly composed, as already exposed in the study, by urine.

The female subjects gave a urine sample and then an ultrasound machine that images the bladder using sound waves confirmed that the bladder was completely empty. The women were then asked to masturbate in the lab (yes, as seen in the TV series ‘Masters of Sex’ Golden Globe for the Best Drama Series of 2013) for as long as necessary until they reached orgasm. Just before this, a new ultrasound was performed and, subsequently, samples of the expelled fluid were taken followed by a new ultrasound.

The results obtained then revealed that, despite having urinated, the bladders of all the women had been completely filled, Which was taken as an explanation for that common feeling of all women needing to go to the bathroom after completing a sexual relationship. The surprising thing was that, at the last ultrasound, the women’s bladders appeared completely empty. The tests confirmed that the fluid expelled by orgasm had several chemicals found in the urine, in addition to the specific prostate antigen. This antigen is a protein that is produced in the prostate gland in men and in the already mentioned Skene glands in the case of women and that had not been detected in the initial urine samples.

The study, which at the time was published in the journal ‘The Journal of Sexual Medicine’ allowed “Reconciling the controversy between fluids that many women report ejecting during orgasm: evidently there are two different types of fluids with two different sources. Whether someone has a physiological role or not (that is, performs some adaptive function), there is no doubt about this,” explained Barry Komisaruk of the University of Rutgers, United States, about the French team’s 2015 research. 

Tags: Sex