Daily mistakes you make when using your mobile phone

Small parts of our daily routine can have a great impact on the devices we use. Smartphones are the devices we carry with us most of the time and as a result, they are also those affected most by our misuse.

These are some common mistakes that are harmful to your mobile:

Lack of cleaning or careless cleaning

Inserting tools in the mobile phone to clean the dust can damage the device’s internal circuits without your noticing.

Not restarting the phone

Restarting the phone can improve performance and battery life. During the day, the mobile constantly reads and writes data, storing a significant amount of information in its random access memory (RAM). Restarting the phone clears the RAM and closes all applications, which leads to a kind of maintenance task. If you never restart your mobile, it is likely to last much less. You don’t need to restart it every day, but it is advisable to do it at least once a week.

Moving wallpapers

Although they may seem very attractive to us, this function can undermine battery life, depleting the battery every second that passes. These wallpapers operate as mini-videos that play again and again and could even end up damaging the battery during the charging process.

Smartphones without case

A considerable percentage of users refuse to use a cover. Regardless of the phone model or brand, you need a case that offers enough protection for the device. The case should extend beyond the edges of the phone screen in order to protect it. If the case only covers the back of your phone, you are not ensuring its safety. In the event you put it in your pants pocket, don't forget to use a screen protector.

Activating too many notifications

Each time you install a new application, the app asks permission to access the protected parts of the phone that developers consider necessary. Often, one of the messages is to activate the notifications of the application. Although your first impulse is to accept it, we advise you to try to say no. Why? Because notifications are useful for messages or banking applications, but it’s not worthy to spend battery for others such as games, news, weather and almost everything else.

Waiting for the battery to run out to charge it

It is a false myth that you have to wait for the battery to run out to charge the mobile. This will not extend the life of the device, but quite the opposite. Current batteries are composed of lithium ions, which makes them have a limited number of cycles. If you wait for the phone to be at 0% battery to recharge it, you will have spent one of these cycles. Ideally, charge it several times throughout the day. Never wait until it reaches the minimum. The life of your phone will be extended.

Leaving the phone in the sun

Leaving the phone near the window, on the car dashboard or in the towel while at the beach in summer will overheat it and this will greatly damage the phone's battery.

Turning off applications manually to save battery

We all look for ways to make the most of our battery and turning off apps may seem an obvious trick to us. However, we don't realise that applications can use a huge amount of background processing power. You are not going to save energy if you close the application and open it later. Mobile operating systems are designed to manage resources efficiently, so unless you have a compelling reason to close an application, you will have to rely on your phone and its multitasking ability.