The blockchain model can benefit from content creators

Transparency in contracting matters of privacy, security, respect for copyrights, among others, are the factors that the blockchain model aims to improve. 

The blockchain is a structure of data on the Internet that is grouped into sets of blocks, to which information is added relating to another block in the previous chain on a timeline. This allows digital transactions of any nature to be conducted securely and eliminates intermediaries, decentralizing all management.

The blockchain would be like a ledger in which the records (the blocks) are linked and encrypted to protect the security and privacy of the transactions. This new paradigm would make it easier for a content creator to be the centre of its production and not the record companies, publishers, distributors and other intermediaries. 

The case of a musician

Alex Tapscott and Don Tapscott give the following example in their book, The Blockchain Revolution, about a musician who uploads a song to a portal: "So all the other parties, not just record labels, music publishers and tour promoters, but also companies looking for music for commercials, TV producers looking for soundtracks, mobile phone service providers looking for ringtones and the many fans making videos, could decide whether to accept the terms of use."

This model would not exclude intermediaries but would make them equivalent members of the author, not the dominant members of the ecosystem. In addition, the author's remuneration could be made through crypto-currency, money also based on blockchain, such as bitcoin.

In conclusion, this new ecosystem has a number of beneficial features for the content creator that can be summarized as follows:

Transparent contract templates that respect the artist and consider him or her a businessman. In addition, the contract or certain clause can be renegotiated openly at any time. 

Inclusive copyright that distributes the profits in an equitable way. As Alex and Don Tapscott write: "Artists also need automated subsidiary rights management, where possible or desired, that allows potential licensees to accept or reject the terms of use and payment stipulated by the artist. The same contract applies the agreements and can notify the artist of violations and terminations".

Transparent records on the benefits produced by a creation (song, text, illustration, etc.) and how the percentages are distributed. 

Possibility of microring the creation. Andreas Antonopoulos, an important theorist of blockchains, gives the following example: "Streamium is an Argentinean online video provider that allows video producers to charge thousandths of a cent for downloading, say, two hundred milliseconds of video".

More transparent copyright, terms of use for each purpose, contact information, terms of that sale, etc.

A fairer reputation system that will be based on information about a work's download history, views, transactions. This will allow the creator to establish unambiguous credibility with future contractors or their supporters. 

In short, the blockchain allows the creator to be the centre of the system, to have more transparency, to have more flexibility and to reduce bureaucratic, financial or political borders to their minimum expression.